The purpose of the Bonita Canyon Library Media Center is to provide instruction in library and information literacy skills, promote a love of reading and books, provide access to a variety of reference materials, and support the classroom curriculum. All classes visit the library once or twice a week for book checkout and instruction in information literacy, digital citizenship, library skills, literature appreciation, and computer activities.
Online Textbook information
Student Online Textbook Access – K-6
Destiny Online (Library Catalog)
Follett Shelf - ebooks
Overdrive information
Accelerated Reader
Clever - to get to Typing Agent
Encyclopedia Britannica
User ID:bciusd
Typing Programs
Hour of Code - coding for kids
Public Libraries
Library procedures
- Books are checked out for up to two weeks, and can be renewed by bringing them into the library.
- Overdue books - notice delivered to teacher, letter sent home, loss of library privileges
- Lost or damaged books must be paid for by the student
- During recess and lunch recess upper grade students can come to the library to read a book, take an AR quiz, practice keyboarding or use the computers for learning.
Thank You!
Thanks to the many parent volunteers who help our library function.
Also, thank you to the Bonita Canyon PTA for your continued financial support to help keep our library updated and our collection growing.